February Meeting Minutes


PTO Meeting Agenda

February 9, 2022

In attendance

Emily Hoopes - Treasurer

Laura Adams - Teacher Appreciation Chair

Kathryn Jenkins - Inclusion Chair


*Due to unforeseen circumstances in the school, the library was needed for a class. We offered live streaming of the meeting, but did not record as we needed to move locations during the meeting.

Updates & Reports

Emily presented a treasurer’s report for January and February, since we were unable to meet in January due to COVID. Report was accepted into the minutes.


Friendship day

We reviewed plans for friendship day. Because we didn’t currently have all slots filled for conversation hearts, Kathryn will check the signup and buy enough to provide a bag per elementary, FS & LS classroom. She will also get muffin papers that can be used to help pass them out. Using Elementary budget for these items.

Sarah was checking on the Google Drive. Kathryn will follow up to make sure it is ready. Emily will draft and e-mail and send to the teachers. Goal is to complete this no later than Thursday evening.

Hillary was not present at the meeting to report on middle school. Emily has talked to Chelise Popoca and confirmed that they are planning a short day schedule and a stomp starting at 2 p.m. They are also possibly offering a movie room, game room and quiet room. Emily has offered to help with the game room. There is not time to coordinate stomp chaperones, so we did not offer. Emily will follow up to find out if they want food sorted by classes or a food room.

Action items:

  • Friday, Feb 11 at 8:30 a.m. meet to sort/deliver snacks. Emily, Kathryn, Marta, others as available.

  • Confirm space to sort in. (Emily?)

  • Buy conversation hearts and muffin papers. (Kathryn)

  • Follow up with Sarah about the Google Drive and report back to Emily. (Kathryn/Sarah)

  • E-mail teachers a link to the Google Drive. (Emily)

  • Follow up with middle school about how to deliver snacks. (Emily)

Dr. Seuss week:

Scheduled the week of Feb 28th. The PTO at the K-3 school has planned dress-up days and created a flyer. Emily will look at updating the reading contest website. Someone needs to speak to the SBO advisor and find out if SBO would like to take this event back. Emily will chair this event and communicate with committee chairs if more is planned and help is needed.

Action items:

  • E-mail Mr. Strope & librarians to find out the school’s plans/needs and figure out SBO involvement. (Emily or Hillary)

  • E-mail out dress up days

  • Explore reading contest. (Emily)

Parent teacher conference dinners (Feb. 16th)

Firehouse subs fell through. Emily has contacted other sandwich shops. If all else fails, we’ll order Jimmy Johns. We planned very simply in order to reduce Covid risk. Therefore, we are not asking for help with setup.

Action items

  • Confirm restaurant. Place order. (Emily)

  • Set aside food donations on Friday. (Emily)

  • Identify special diets. (Emily)

  • Setup dinner (Emily & Laura)

February teacher gift

We collected classroom supplies (markers, pens, pencils, tape) and will have a supply bar. Planning this for 2/22/22 “Twos-day”. Take 2.

Action items

  • Set aside supply donations on Friday. (Emily)

  • Get containers for a display. Make it cute. (Laura)

  • Make signs. (Laura)

Door Decorating for Friendship Day 

Emily will run this contest this month. If I need help with a tie-breaker vote, I’ll text for help.

Upcoming events

Night of the Arts is May 5th. This is during Teacher Appreciation Week. We’ll report more info next meeting.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 9th 

-Meetings will now be held on Wednesdays at 8:30 am in the Library

New Dates: 3/9, 4/13, and 5/11 


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