November 2021 Meeting Minutes


PTO Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2021

In attendance

Amanda McKeown - president
Sarah Newman - vice president
Emily Hoopes - treasurer
Kathryn Jenkins - inclusion chair
Hillary Snow Hurst - middle school chair
Kathy Pirowitz


Brekken Arnold

Amy Ealy

Christine Hopkins

Updates & Reports

Called to order: 8:35

Amanda was delayed so Emily started meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

Emily presented a treasurer’s report for October. Budget was deposited this month. Emily proposed report be accepted. Seconded by Kathryn Jenkins. Motion carried

Annual Budget

Emily presented board’s proposed 2021-22 budget. 

Income: $3,310

Expenditures: $4,630 divided as follows:

Teacher appreciation: $3,120

Socials: $100

Student activities: $1,075

Hospitality: $205

PTO Operations and Administration: $130

Moved a good portion of socials budget to teacher appreciation due to ongoing COVID safety precautions.

Emily proposed a vote to accept budget. Sarah seconded. Vote was cast and passed unanimously.

Committee Updates

Upcoming Events

Elementary holiday parties

  • Planned for December 17. 

  • Food for parties will be collected by signup genius. We’ll provide activities in Google Drive. Teachers will plan individual parties and coordinate any needed parent volunteers.

  • Tentatively planning to meet Dec 16th at 1:30 to organize donations and deliver them to classes.

  • Amanda and Hillary to bring wagons so drinks can be collected in wagons.

  • Organize in conference room, hall or library. (Librarian offered if available)

Middle School Chair 

  • Providing food for class parties. Don’t expect many other needs for this event. 

  • Email what kind of food needs for middle school to add to the sign up 

Action items: 

  • Ask to reserve the conference room to organize donations (Done. Available at 1:30)

  • Create signup for food, materials, and volunteers for distributing food on the 16th as needed (chairs)

  • Communicate plans with lead teachers (chairs)

  • Sort donations, distribute (Sarah, Kathryn, Hillary organize. Everyone helps)

  • Share google drive (Emily), add to (everyone)

  • Add to google drive movies, activities, etc. 

Door decorating

Emily & Amanda will deliver cups today

December contest theme: Winter wonderland

Eliminating student choice voting. PTO will judge while delivering food for parties.

Action items: Send out contest rules: Emily

Teacher Appreciation

Emily reported as Laura was not able to attend

Snack drive

Discussed how and when to do a drive to collect snacks for classrooms. (And maybe caughtya store or principal’s club?). With school doing food drive, doing this in November could be confusing. Suggested maybe planning this for January. Make list in December so it can go out right away after we come back.

November gift: gift bag with mints? Emily will share contact of people wanting to help assemble with Laura.

Thank you notes: We discussed helping to coordinate students writing thank you notes for appreciation. PTO members could come in during lunch to help. Possibly for Valentine’s? TAW?

December PTC Dinner: Individual 8 oz. soup cups from Lee’s purchased as entree.

Ideas for donated sides (through signup): snack cheese (string & cheddar), rolls (preferably large) or bagels, bananas and grapes and/or fruit cups, cookies, individually packaged chocolates i.e. ghiradelli/lindt, etc. Need: spoons, plates. (Check workroom)

Signup to go out Monday Nov. 22, Reminder e-mail Mon. Nov. 29. Dinner: Dec 2.

Action items: 

  • Confirm date w/principal (Amanda)

  • Finalize menu & send signup (Laura & Emily)

  • Order soup (Laura & Emily)

  • Set-up dinner (Anyone available)

Meeting adjourned 9:24 a.m.

Next Meeting: December 9, 2021


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