November 13th Meeting Minutes
If you were unable to attend the PTO meeting in person, here is a copy of the minutes. Thanks to everyone who came out!
PTO Meeting Agenda
November 13, 2020
In attendance:
Emily Hoops - Co-President
Amanda Mckeown - Co-President
Evelyn Cox - Secretary
Wendy Steenblick - School Secretary
Sarah Newman
Kathryn Jenkins - Elementary Committee
Hilary Snow-Hurst
Teri Housekeeper - Teacher Appreciation
Steven Merrell - School Vice Principal
Keri Jones - Treasurer
Cristy Gleave - Assistant Treasurer
Sheri Durham - Vice President
Cameron Sawyer
Meeting called to order: Emily Hoopes
Thank you’s: Kathryn did an amazing job with the Halloween parties. Thank you!
Laura jumped in as committee chair for the Red Ribbon week - Thank you!
Sheri helped with the Art contest project and she stepped up and got everything submitted and done. Thank you!
Treasurer’s Report: We received a check for $3,300. Month ended at $4,808.33 in checking. $1,001.20 in savings. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Emily Hoopes. Evelyn Cox seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Motion: approve 2020-21 budget
We have been given permission to accept monetary donations IF we are doing a Sign Up genius to receive goods and someone specifically asks to be able to donate money in lieu of goods. Emily Hoopes presented a motion to accept the budget. Amanda McKeown seconded the motion. Motion carried.
November Game Night? Jackbox games night - online option for families. A poll may be helpful to figure out when families may be available. Either the 20th or 24th at about 6:30 pm. Emily would need to be online when the game starts.
Teacher Appreciation - (Teri)
Parent Teacher Conferences are December 2-3
Backup plan/people in case of unexpected changes.
We would like to try to get a gift card ($5) for a meal from Subway, Del Taco, etc and put it in a grab bag with snacks in it as well.
We would like healthier options in the grab bags. Bagels, cream cheese, peanut butter packets, etc.
Holiday gift or activity - Teacher door decoration contest with a prize for the top two. The prize will likely be a bobblehead of McDevan and Steve!
Holiday Parties (Kathryn)
The stork is coming!!
Full virtual plan with food donations via sign-up if classes are in person
Kathryn could use some support in December. Laura and Sarah will help with Elementary school support.
We could have a Sign-Up Genius for treats the week around December 9th (the week of December 7th)
Middle School/Functional & Learning Skills (Emily)
We still don't have a committee chair. Could someone co-chair this event with the presidents? Evelyn Cox will co-chair.
Winter Art Show
Your light makes the season bright
Entries will be due December 15th.
Thanksgiving: Online learning Nov 23-24, Thanksgiving break 25-26
Parent teacher conferences - December 2-3
Holiday parties - December 17?
Winter parties - December 21 - January 1
Meeting adjourned:
Next Meeting: December 11 - it will be a short meeting
January 15th at 11:00 am via google meet will be the next date. It will be pushed back one week from normal.
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