PTO Meeting Change
In order to allow time to plan for some larger agenda items, our general PTO meeting will be moved from this Thursday to next Thursday, November 14 at 9:00 a.m. in the Intermediate School Library.

Meeting Agenda
The tentative agenda for our upcoming general meeting is as follows:
1) We'll discuss and vote on our budget for the 2019-2020 school year
2) We'll recap Halloween parties and talk about how we can better organize volunteers to support classroom activities in the future.
3) We'll plan for November and early December events including Angel Tree, holiday decorating, and parent teacher conference dinners
4) We'll vote on a motion to remove the fundraising committee as a standing committee in our bylaws in response recent policy changes adopted by Spectrum Academy's Board of Directors.

Please note that to vote on the budget or the bylaws you must be a paid member of the PTO. We will be able to accept memberships at the meeting.


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