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Join the PTO 22-23

Follow this link for the Google form: Kvb6YbZswy39 Have you signed up for the PTO in the 2022-2023 school year? What do we do? The Spectrum Timberwolves PTO’s mission is: To develop closer connections between school and home by encouraging parent involvement. To organize and create volunteer opportunities within the school. To provide opportunities for families of students to connect with one another and better support one another. We help coordinate volunteer opportunities within the school to support our students and show appreciation to our teachers.  What does it cost? There is no cost. Unlike PTA, we do not collect dues. What does membership mean? Every family and staff member can participate in our PTO. However, in order to vote in elections, approve our budget, vote on other motions, or serve on our board, you need to sign up as a member. I joined last year. Do I really have to join again? We know life isn't the same from year to year. Th...

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